Owner information
This website is owned and operated by:
GreenCow ApS
Slagkrogen 15
5220 Odense SØ
VAT: 40212744
greencow.bio uses cookies:
We make all visitors aware of our cookie use, and by continuing to use the page, you accept this use. We use cookies for the following purposes:
Technical functionality: With cookies, we can help ensure that you get the best possible experience of our site. This means, among other things, that your preferences will be saved.
Traffic measurement: Our use of cookies also means that we collect anonymous statistics, which we can use to make the experience of the site even better. And use to ensure that our server can handle the traffic.
Advertising: We use cookies in connection with delivering relevant and meaningful advertisements and to track the effectiveness of these.
These three points are the purpose of our cookie use. A cookie is a text file that is stored in your browser. It contains information about your browser and cannot contain viruses. From greencow.bio, cookies are shared with third parties: Google services as well as other marketing platforms within the Privacy Shield.
You can learn more about how to delete and avoid cookies here: http://minecookies.org/cookiehandtering/
greencow.bio uses cookies to collect data for our statistics and analysis tools (Google Analytics), so we know how many people use our site and how they use it. This information is anonymous. In addition, we collect geographic and demographic statistics, which we use to understand our target audience, so that we can better understand our target audience and improve our content.
If you want to opt out of cookies from Google Analytics, you can follow this link: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
A cookie is deleted by itself after a certain time interval, but it is renewed every time you use our website – however, you can always delete them yourself manually. If you want more in-depth information about these small text files, you can read more here: http://minecookies.org/information-om-cookies/
Personal information
greencow.bio basically makes no use of personal information. It is only in the event that you use our comment fields, contact form, or send us an email that information can be traced back to you as a person. This is exclusively information that you actively choose to enter yourself, but which is required for us to get back to you with an answer. We strive for high security – i.a. through SSL encryption – but it is at your own risk that you submit this information. We only keep and save your data for as long as is necessary and in accordance with applicable legislation. When signing up for the newsletter, we store your data until you actively unsubscribe from the newsletter again (can be done at the bottom of each email or by contacting info@greencow.bio), after which your data will be deleted as soon as possible.
Regardless of whether we process your personal data for the purpose of fulfilling a contract or on the basis of your consent, we will always process your personal data securely and confidentially in accordance with applicable legislation, including the Personal Data Regulation and the Data Protection Act.
Your information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected and will be deleted when this purpose has been fulfilled or is no longer relevant.
You can always contact us to find out which of your personal data we hold. This can be done by contacting
GreenCow ApS
Slagkrogen 15
5220 Odense SØ
Mail: info@greencow.bio
If there are errors in our information, you can always ask to have it corrected so that we have the correct information, just as you have the right to receive the information in a common format (data portability). If you have any requests for changes or data portability, you are also very welcome to write to us at the above e-mail address.
If you no longer wish for us to process your personal data or for us to limit the processing of your personal data, you can also send us a request to this effect to the above-mentioned e-mail address.
If you wish to complain about GreenCow ApS’ processing of your personal data, this can be done to the Danish Data Protection Authority, at the address Borgergade 28,5., 1300 Copenhagen, telephone 33 19 32 00 e-mail: dt@datatilsynet.dk.